Saturday, October 25, 2008

Can I just sleep for the next 7 days??

Why did no one tell me that when you have 2 yr old twins you are never your own person again? I have been sitting down at this computer from 9am this morning, and it is now 5:35pm, and all I have been able to accomplish is half of my homepage for my new website. Now keep in mind, web development, kinda of a no brainer for me. These 2 have just hunted and hunted until they found it... my last nerve that is. I am about to go insane! According to day care they do not whine at all... well here at home... that is all they do.

I am fighting a nasty cold and realized that I can never ever get sick, in any capacity. I cannot get into an accident, or anything that would incapacitated me. Not that I want to have anything bad happen to me, but bad things to happen to good people. I asked the questions of what would happen to the boys, say for example I got into a car wreck on the way home from taking them to day care. E would be thousands of miles away. Who would know to get the boys, and know what to do with them. I would think our most recent nanny who is local could do it, but she isn't mature enough to handle a situation like that. I guess I need to write up an emergency plan, with names and numbers of people to contact. God forbid I get the flu or anything, I guess I need to get my flu shot this coming week in my main office of my company as they are asking we come in ALL week. I live an hour from the office, one of the reason I work from home. I have too much to do to drive in each day.

The reason for the week of hell is that on Tuesday, at 9:30am, I am going to be "walked to the conference room", yes those were on the instructions. And then they will call the VP in CT, and together my boss and he will tell me I am loosing my job... aka fired. But since I already know about, which they don't know that I know. At least that is what I know. So I am not sure exactly how I should react. Do I act sad, mad, disappointed? Make myself cry (tears of joy). I guess I will just play it cool, and tell them it was not unexpected since my boss has be completely disconnected from me for the past 2 months.

Then I realized that because my last day of official work with the company is 1/2 that puts my termination in 2009, vs 2008. If it fell in 2008 they would have to pay me for the unused vacation I have, which happens to be 176 hrs. These guys are slick and haven't missed a thing on how to get rid of 20% of it's workforce as cheapest as possible. I was kind of hoping for the extra days to add to the severance package. But now it looks like I am going to take my PTO, as it is a "use it or lose it" plan. So by my calculations, counting Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays, my last working day will be 12/3. And trust me I will not work a minute more. I am still trying to figure out the health care stuff. Since my last day is 1/2, and the company will continue to assist with health care by paying "their" portion of Cobra for 2 months. I called to see how much Cobra would cost and it is $1400.00 a month... and no that is not a typo! So health care will definitely be an issue. It is something E and I have not talked about in length yet, as he has not been home for 3 weeks. I am sure we are going to get into it when he gets home.

When I told him about idea to become a Virtual Assistant, he was pretty much on board. Then 2 days later, after many miles of thinking alone I might add, he started to panic over the HC. And he started telling me how I HAD to go out and get another job in corporate America. Which is the last thing I want to do. I have worked for this company for 10 yrs, and I just want some time off. Maybe take some classes, just take the pressure off me in regards to work and projects and reports and conference calls about having conference calls. I am so over the corporate environment. At least with this last group from bowels of the company, there are a lot of bitter people in our group..

A few years ago at my company I worked for a group and the only way I can describe it was we were the cool/fun kids on the playground. We did so many fun things. We got to travel with this group, and we have parties to celebrate good work. The would even give us recognized monetary bonuses. I haven't had a bonus since before the boys were born. It also turns out that my level at the company is the cut off for any incentive bonuses. Everyone above my pay grade get incentive bonuses each year, which can be anywhere from 5k to 20k, who knows. It must be nice, why they have the worker bees not get bonuses, when we are the ones that do all the actual work is beyond me!

Ok I guess I am done my rant, just a lot is going to be happening this week and I am not looking forward to it at all.

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