Friday, November 14, 2008

Wow I guess I am a total slacker...

so much for blogging everyday in the month of Nov.... oh well what can ya do. Both boys have been sick for weeks, as have I. The infamous cough that everyone seems to have has come for a visit, and has decided it liked us so much it is staying. I took the boys to the dr on Weds for them to be looked at, and they put them on antibiotics. I dropped them off at daycare and went to get the prescription filled, went back to the d/c and gave them the meds with the assistance of the teachers. At 4:45 I got a call from the day cares director telling me that I should not have left the boys. They are not running fevers or acting sick, they just have a nasty cough. No one said boo to me about anything, yet this woman felt it was her place to make me feel like I was suppose to know, and as if I were trying to put one over on her. She went on for nearly 10 mins, without saying anything of substance. Only to end the call with how I had to come get them right away, and that they couldn't be there the next day.... thanks for the heads up! I was completely ticked off, and no sooner do I have up with her, then E calls. Catches me at a very frustrated moment, and just pushes the right buttons to make me explode. Instead of just listening to me vent, which I asked him to do, he decided that I was just being over reactive and then proceeds to tell me that he feels I am unstable to go pick the boys up, and that maybe the director picked up on that as well. I hung up on him. I refuse to listen to that psycho babble he dribbles everyday lately. But of course I had to listen to it later in the evening. All I wanted was for him to say something like, I am sorry you had to deal with that... something supportive, instead of always taking the other person's side. Which of course puts me on the complete defensive. I am just getting really tired of being told how everything is my fault... everything... the boys are sick, it is my fault, I am not feeding them properly, the house isn't clean enough so it is going to fall down around us.... I am not feeling well, my own fault for now exercising and eating right... the list goes on and on. Never does he tell me anything good about what I am doing. To be honest I am not sure how much more of this I can take. he wonders why I do not want to talk to him half the time.

I am heading over to the local urgent care in a few minutes as my cough seems to have come back with a vengeance and I am completely exhausted, and achy. I got the flu shot weeks ago, so I am hoping it is not the flu, but as of yesterday I am starting to feel worse. Great with the weekend coming up, and I being the only parent around. This lifestyle is really starting to suck for me. Yet at the same time I don't want him around if all he is going to do is complain about me, the house, the kids etc.... it gets old and tiring....

Well that is it for now, I am sure there are other things to update, but just not up to it right now...

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