Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yet another B-Day has passed.....

Well yesterday was my 45th birthday. Another yet uneventful day, I was hoping for something a little more. Let's see what was purchased on my birthday... a new (really nice) computer desk, and nice leather chair to go with said desk... and oh ya... a brand new 27" Macintosh. Now before you start getting all hatin on me... it was purchased for E, as he wanted this, and had been bugging me for weeks about it. That is his way of getting things, I told him I didn't want him to get it, I didn't think it was a wise purchase giving our financial state. But when does E ever listen to me when it comes to that. He constantly throws up the financial disaster of 2009 back at me.

So I ended up going to target to get myself a desk, and I am sure I will be the one to put it together, and move all things around the bedroom. I am tired of using a lateral file as my desk to edit photography photos on.

Work on a different topic completely sent me over the edge, and "work" I mean a part time job at Harris Teeter, a local grocery chain. I had some sweet plans to meet my fellow mom's of multiples at my favorite Thai restaurant for a nice dinner. However, there seemed to be some stupid mandatory meeting on Friday night. I explained to them I could not attend as I already had plans, so they said I could attend the Saturday meeting, but I was scheduled to work at 915, and the meeting was at 9. So they said I could not work, and attend the meeting the same day. That I would have to find someone to work my shift if I wanted to attend the Sat meeting. Keep in mind half the crew was attending the Sat meeting, so there really was only a few folks who go switch. So now WHY was this my responsibility when they are suppose to NEVER schedule me on a Friday... ever, so that is why I made plans for dinner. I asked a girl to switch and she said she would, but we had to clear it through the manager. So I called him, and he said no problem . He then calls me back 5 mins later, and says she changed her mind, that she said she would do it, but really didn't want to. Well why didn't she say that in the first place.

He says he made a phone call for someone else, and that he would call me back and let me know if she can work, which would free me up for Friday night. So I waited all day, and had not heard back from him, so I assumed no one was able to switch and that I had to attend this meeting, and still work on my birthday. I get to the meeting at 8pm, fuming that I had to change my plans for this, and then one of the other cashiers says to me... "Hey!! I heard they were able to find someone to work your shift!".... ummmm WTF?!!!! OH MY GAWD, I was then about to just kill someone. Now this manager is about 5 ft tall and bald, and extremely obnoxious to begin with, and lucky me ended up sitting next to him during the meeting, and I let him have it!! This is some stupid part time job, while I collect my unemployment and look for another full time job... and that itself is a whole different post.

So that was the start of a pretty crappy weekend, and today I have to go to another meeting for god knows what!

The boys are doing great, making me laugh at least 10 times a day, and yell another 10 times, as something always cute ends up in a fight. B is starting to make up his own language, and the funny part is he uses the same words, as if it is a real language. Kind of annoying, yet cute at the same time.

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