Are they cozy shoes you were around the house to keep your feet warm, simple slip ons you use to take the trash out or something greater, a new trend perhaps.... I vote for the latter. Since today which was another hectic day getting the boys read for school, half way there I realized I had my slippers on. At least my pants are long enough no one can really notice, and thank god they are not the giant pink fuzzy rabbit ones! I really don't' own a pair, but did at one time in my life, I am sure. Then the boys were fighting over a green airplane that one had and the other wanted, so as I was fussing at them for fussing.... I slowly see my exit pass before my eyes! We were doing so well, on time.. we would have actually been on time today for this week. However that was not the case. I had to go up an turn around, which added 10 mins to my commute. I am boycotting all toys in the car on the right to school. They can play the car/truck game... which basically having B and the rest us forced to, look for yellow vehicles. Lellow as he says it, any other color will just not do. Do you have any idea how many yellow cars there are in here chapel hill... any takers? I would say about 4, and we have seen each one, over and over again. But at lease B thinks they are different cars.
Had another little spat with E yesterday, who was "sick" since Sunday afternoon. He basically disappeared to the basement aka man cave, for 2 whole days, only came up to pee and get food... literally. So yesterday when he finally emerged at 2pm (thank god I had the day off), I mentioned to him that I was tired (and frustrated over this whole MAC situation). And his response to me is Why would you be tired?? Well as you could image where this would go, especially in our household... unfortunately we are yellers, I try not to be, and usually am not unless I am taken there and forced to defend myself. I explained to him my frustration over the past couple days, and he just went off on how he does everything around the house, the kids... and on top of that.. Laundry. Well I was searching frantically for my thrown and god-like me with palm leaves and grapes. Nope couldn't find them. It just went from there to all about the new car, and the Macintosh purchases that I felt where inappropriate for our financial situation at this time.
Has he no shame on how he looks to other people?? Everyone we know, knows he is not working and that I am on unemployment, and very few know we are working on a mortgage modification, which we would have been approved for had he not had so much money in the bank, but again, another story. We are seeing a counselor who has been doing this pro-bono for months now, and I feel like such a hypocrite for doing so. I feel like I cannot be honest with him about the frustrations over the finances, past and present, mostly present, but E always has to take it back. I keep offering to him to follow the money, I have every bank statement, and credit card statement since we have been married. For him to say he had nothing to do with the financial ruin we are now in.. is complete crap. So just one other fight on another day. One of his favorite saying is "give me a F***ing break here". Well A said that to B today on the say to school... I was floored! Something E will be abreast of when I get home.
I contacted both folks about the 2 potential jobs I have out there, and got the old "hang in there" response. I cannot hang in there for much longer, I NEED to get back to work... asap before I loose my mind at home. I really have no idea how E is going to handle all things when I am gone. He will have to take care of the boys, the house, the groceries, the dog and whatever else comes up. I personally think his head will explode.
Well back to the job hunting!
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