Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Reflections of my Life....and It's never too late.

I wanted to post this on my actual birthday, however, the day got away from me.

Reflections of my life....

Age 0 = born to alcholic parents in Germany

Age 4 = taken by they state and put into foster care

Age 11 = Visit from birth father for my 11th birthday with extremely distubing results

Age 11.5 = previous visit prompted immediate adopted by foster parents and had a new name

Age 16 = fell in love for the first time in my life

Age 17.5 = had the greatest hard ache over said first love

Age 23 = Most important male figure in my life passed on, very sudden aka my world changed forever

Age 23.5 = Joined the military to escape what was left of my life, which was not much, father figure was the glue that held it together.

Age 25 = Discharged from the military (early release) and moved to New Orleans

Age 28 = Married for the first time

Age 30 = first pregnancy and miscarriage

Age 32 = divorced for the first time

Age 33 = moved away from New England
and onto North Carolina to start a new life, best decision I have ever made

Age 37 = Met the love of my life, and completely not who I thought he would be. Didn't ride in on a white horse, but a white road bike.

Age 40 = Married said love of my life, in a wonderful private beach moment in Key West.

Age 40 = Built first house, (3rd to own) with new husband

Age 41 = found out we were pregnant with twin boys!!

Age 41.5 = gave birth to the most wonderful creatures to ever enter in my life, I will NEVER forget the moment of the true love and awe felt from husband that day. No words had to be spoken, and still don't when I think of that moment. If only I could bottle it and open it whenever I feel insecure.

Age 43 = Lost job of 10 yrs due to lay off, and felt free for the first time in a very long time.

age 44 = Life became reality and came to a crashing hault due to choices made in the past which were not thought out clearly

Age 45 = New found energy and confidence on finally being me.... it's never to late to be what you might have been.

And this year I am going to find out WHAT I am suppose to be.

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